We are a Guwahati (Assam, India) based NOT – FOR – PROFIT Company registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India under Companies Act – sub-section (2) of section 7 and sub-section (1) of section 8 (Lic. No. – 135557) of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. CIN – U85300AS2022NPL023036
But, we have started this journey long before in 2018 -19, as a Start-up enterprise, promoted by Ms. Papori Saikia Dowerah and Mr. Pragyan Dowerah, both hailing from this region. They are working in this field of handloom and handicraft development for more than 15 years. We have set up a handloom weaving center in the tribal village of Jalukbari near Guwahati, in Assam India. The intension was to train and motivate the tribal women, surrounding villages, to adopt handloom weaving as the source of income and divert themselves from smuggled country liquor preparation. This would help them upgrade economically as well as lead an honorable life. The men folks would slowly distance away from drinking and creating nuisance in the community. This would also reduce the cases of domestic violence and untimely deaths due to lever related disorders, in the community.
With the above intensions, a weaving unit has been set up and we started weaving traditional items and other dress materials, etc. in our unit. We ensured that all our products carry the ethnicity of design, motifs & colors of Assam and the seven sisters states of Northeast India. We ensured usage of 100% naturally derived Yarn as Raw materials and gave customers pure and authentic products. We use only Silk, Cotton and other botanically derived Yarns for making our products.
We have also developed multiple clusters in tribal villages of different districts in Assam. The weavers in these villages, weaves Furnishing Items in Tribal Motifs, Gamosha (Traditional Assamese Towels) and Cotton Mekhela Chadar in their traditional looms. We provide the necessary training, Yarn and Designs to them and help them market their finished products. Besides, we promoted the traditional handicraft artists who make TRADITIONAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS hand crafted by them. These instruments are made of Bamboo & Mud. Other such handicraft also include Assamese Traditional Ornaments made of Gold and Silver.
In 2019, Central Silk Board (CSB) appointed us as their Authorized Training Centre to impart training to hundreds of beneficiaries on Jacquard Handloom Weaving, Hand Dying, Block Printing, etc. This project was funded by Ministry of Textiles, Govt. Of India. The Scheme was named as “Samarth”. This project was intended to train the willing economically weaker section of the society, who are interested to create an earning opportunity in Handloom, Textile and Garmenting businesses and ensure that each beneficiaries who are trained are also hand-hold for initial 3 months to ensure that they are engaged and are earning regularly. In the Phase I of the project, that continued from Feb, 2019 to June, 2022, we have trained & engaged more than 220 beneficiaries in the remote villages of Assam in India.
We have helped create self employment avenues for the beneficiaries and have extended our support in marketing their finished products. As a step to provide employment and self-sustainability to these beneficiaries, we have developed small clusters for them at different places, and these clusters produce various products for us as well as for the direct markets. We encourage them by providing a reasonable price to buy back their produces to ensure sustainability of their business. We take these products to the end user through OFFLINE and ONLINE Sales modules. We have also tried to ensure the safety and wellness of the people around us. With this aim we tied up with local health centers and medical professionals to arrange for complete health checkups and free medicine support to economically weaker section of the society.
During the pandemic, we have tied up with Heartfulness Institute, to donate N95 masks for the front line workers like Municipal sweepers and cleaning staffs, Police personnel, Social workers, Health workers etc.
Besides we have been providing help and support to the people at difficult times of floods and other natural calamities.
Now, in 2022, we have transformed our initiative to a Not for Profit company and have registered ourselves with Govt. Of India as a NGO vide Registration No – AS/2022/0315999. We are committed to serve the society as our duty towards humanity.